Astrophotography Birding Photography

Some New Birds and New Galaxies

The weather has been a little on the hot side but not too bad. My opportunities for astrophotography have been limited due to clouds and wind. Still no rain at all. The few areas that have got some water (mostly due to being watered or from runoff from paved streets) have been producing some birds. Tomorrow I have an appointment at Jones Ford in Buckeye to see what I need to do about the check engine light. I hope that doesn’t take too long.

M88, a spiral galaxy in the Virgo Galaxy Cluster.
I would like to put more time in this but it looks that will have to wait. This galaxy group is known at Arp 286 (Arp is the Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies, named after Halton Arp, the astronomer who developed it). The largest galaxy in the image is NGC 5566. It is the largest galaxy in Virgo but is so far away it appears small, even for the C8. Distance from Earth is about 65 million light years. I had to crop a lot but it still looks pretty good.
NGC 3521, also known as the Bubble Galaxy. The large area of nebulosity surrounding the galaxy is from stars that have been torn out of the galaxy and dwarf galaxies that collided millions of years ago.
A Sora I found at the golf course. It was right out in the open, very unusual for a Sora.
A very cooperative male Hermit Warbler I found this morning. My prize bird for the day!
Another view of the same Hermit Warbler.
Astrophotography Bats Birding Photography

It’s Getting Hot!

I would like to leave pretty soon, it has been getting up near 100F yesterday and today. It should cool down now for a few days and that’s good because the truck has developed a problem, the check engine light came on. At NAPA they did a diagnostic that said it was an O2 sensor. NAPA can’t do it till week and I called the Ford dealer in Buckeye and they can’t do it till next Tuesday. So, I’m stuck. I can drive it to town and around the area, but if it gets worse I will have to park it and have it towed in, so I’m limiting the driving. No more driving around at night, that’s for sure!

I’ve managed a little astrophotography, but most nights I’ve been out photographing bats or looking for snakes. Here’s the Sombrero Galaxy with the C8, first time with guiding.
The Silver Streak Galaxy and neighbors. These galaxies are in the Virgo Galaxy Cluster.
A very sharp shot of a Yuma Myotis getting a drink. The bat activity at Valentine Well has really dropped off but there are still quite a few of the smaller bats.
One of the few bat photos I’ve taken with the wings down.
The Great Horned Owls at the golf course are successfully raising their young. Light was pretty bad but it turned out OK.
Another angle on the nest with better light.
A Nashville Warbler at the golf course.
Vermilion Flycatcher. It is hard to pass up a good shot!
Astrophotography Bats Photography


It was a warm day, up near 90 F., so I decided to check Valentine Well for bat activity. It still is cooling down at night a little too much for good insect and bat activity, but at Valentine Well, there were lots of bats shortly after sunset. It is probably the only source of water for miles in any direction, since all of the ponds and natural tanks are dry. This is what I need, lots of bats, so I get lots of shots and then hope for a few good ones. Bats tripped the laser trigger 33 times and I got at least two very good images.

Unknown species of Myotis.
Another pretty good shot but not quite sharp. Almost, but not quite. Yuma Myotis.
From a few nights ago, M106, in Ursa Major. First time shooting this galaxy now that I’m guiding.
M13, the Great Cluster in Hercules. Imaged with the C8 and guiding.

Astrophotography Birding

Wilson’s Warbler

It must have been a pretty boring birding winter if a Wilson’s Warbler seems exciting. Yesterday, I actually saw around a dozen of them in a wooded area behind the Ajo tennis courts. They were very busy feeding and not paying much attention to me, so were easy to photograph. The weather has been pretty bad for astrophotography, so it appears that most of this new moon period is not going to be productive. At least we finally got some rain, about .15 inch according to the Ajo weather station. It is cold and windy today.

I got my covid vaccine on Thursday here at the local clinic. They just got a supply of the Johnson and Johnson one shot vaccine, so I’m done with that. I didn’t notice much for side effects, I felt a little tired and achy, but that went away by the next day. I am sure glad to have that done!

Male Wilson’s Warbler. I was pretty excited to see so many yesterday.
Here’s a side view of another one on a Palo Verde branch. They were very actively feeding and easy to approach.
Here’s another galaxy from a few nights ago. M95 is found in the constellation Leo and is about 33 million light years from Earth. Unlike most galaxies, it seems to harbor more yellow stars in the outer limits of the system.

Galaxy Season

Now that the moon is approaching the new moon phase, the clouds are rolling in. I had a few good nights but for the next few days at least, it does not look good. As far as birding goes, it is very slow. A few new birds have appeared, indicating some migration. Two dowitchers at the pond and a couple of Greater Yellowlegs, along with a Ring-billed Gull were the most exciting birds I’ve seen. Still not warm enough to get the herps out, except for the most common ones I’ve seen all winter.

M65, another one of the Leo Triplets. It has crossed my mind to make a mosaic of all three using images taken with the C8. I’ll see how that goes.
M100, a galaxy in the Virgo Galaxy Cluster. NGC 4312 is in the upper right.
The Needle Galaxy, NGC 4565, in the constellation Coma Berenices. IC3571 is the small bluish area just to the left of the galaxy, in Stellarium it is called an “object of unknown nature”. Other places I’ve looked describe it as a dwarf galaxy. The Needle is one of my favorite galaxies, it is large and bright, very photogenic. This image is about 2 hours of exposure.
M46, an open star cluster near Orion. There is a small planetary nebula in the cluster, NGC 2438, but it is not actually associated with it. There are around 500 stars in this 250,000,000 year old cluster. It can be easily seen in binoculars.

Galaxies High and Low

I mentioned in my last post that I wanted to try making an image of the Andromeda Galaxy as it was close to the horizon. My goal was to show how large this galaxy would appear if we could see it as bright as the moon. I wanted to get it setting over the Air Force radar installation on Child’s Mountain. It was close and I even got an unexpected Saguaro in the scene. I took about 30 minutes of exposure of the galaxy as it came lower but the moon came up before it was low enough. So, I had to make some adjustments. It worked out pretty good because the moon lit up Child’s Mountain. As always, right click on the image and open in a new tab to see a larger version.

The Andromeda Galaxy, M31, setting over Child’s Mountain, near Ajo, AZ. I was about 3 miles away from the radar installation, shooting with a 200mm lens. M31 is about 2.5 million light years distant, 220,000 light years in diameter and contains around one trillion stars. If M31 were as bright as the moon, this is how it would look to us. The moon is about .5 degree in diameter while M31 is about 3.2 degrees on the long axis. Amazingly, there are two other galaxies in the image, M110 ( to the right of M31) and M32 (small bright spot of the left edge of M31).
Last night, I had about 2 1/2 hours of shooting before the moon came up. I opted for NGC 2775, a small galaxy I have never tried before. This is at about the limits of size I can do with the C8 and still get results that show detail. I am kind of disappointed with this, but it is still a nice image. Quite a few smaller galaxies in the background too. NGC 2775 is located the in the constellation of Cancer is around 67 million light years away.

More Galaxies

I think I enjoy imaging galaxies more than nebulas. There are lots of them and all are different. But, mostly it is because they are so awesome and fascinating; entire galaxies, thousands of light years in diameter, millions of light years away, with billions of stars, all captured in my images. Most are too small for the 500 f4 lens but with the C8, many more are now within my range. And it is galaxy season now, with many of the nebulas now shifting to the south and west.

This is the Tiger’s Eye Galaxy, NGC 2841, in Ursa Major. Several other smaller galaxies are visible too. NGC 2841 is an unbarred spiral galaxy in Ursa Major. It was discovered in 1788 by William Herschel. Known as a flocculent spiral galaxy, a type of spiral galaxy whose spirals are blotchy and discontinuous. M63, the Sunflower Galaxy is similar to the Tiger’s Eye Galaxy.
NGC 3628, also known as the Hamburger Galaxy, is about 35 million light-years away in the constellation Leo. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1784. It is one of three galaxies known as the Leo Triplets.

M82-The Cigar Galaxy

M82 is an interesting galaxy due to the fact it is an edge-on starburst galaxy. Stars are forming 10 times faster than in the Milky Way Galaxy. M82’s red (ionized hydrogen) outflow filaments are created by energy released by supernovae in the galaxy center which occur at a rate of about one every ten years. I have messed around with this galaxy a few times but never got an image I’ve really liked. So, the last two nights, this is all I did. I now have 5 hours of exposure on this galaxy with the C8 (at 1200 mm focal length using a .63 reducer).

Five hours of total exposure and probably about the same amount of time stacking and processing, this is the final result. I’m not sure if I will add more exposure or not. I’ve seen photos with as much as 16 hours exposure and they are impressive but that is a lot of time spent on one object!

February Astro

It has been a pretty productive February for astrophotography. I had 4 nights that were too cloudy. It will be cloudy again tonight but tomorrow night might be good. Birding has been very slow again, nothing new to report there.

A new nebula for me, the Angel Nebula, in the constellation Monocerus. It took a lot of exposure to get this but I think it was worth it.
I’ve wanted to try this for a long time, the heart of the Coma Cluster of galaxies, located in the Coma Berenices constellation. The mean distance to the galaxies in this cluster is about 320 million light years. That is by far the farthest I have ever photographed anything. By far. When the photons I captured left these galaxies there was only one continent on Earth and the land was covered in dense, swampy forests, during the Carboniferous Period. There are over 1000 galaxies in this cluster, I would guess there are over 100 galaxies in this photo.
Here’s a tighter crop of the image. All of these galaxies are in the Coma Cluster. The blue star is in our galaxy.
The Seagull Nebula with the 500 f4 lens.
NGC 4725, a new galaxy for me. This is located in Coma Berenices and a good target for the C8.
M66, one of the galaxies that make up the Leo Triplets. This is the first time I’ve imaged it separately with the C8. It is very colorful.
The Intergalactic Wanderer, a very distant star cluster. I recently discovered that there are two listed in Stellarium, one is a mistake. This is the correctly identified Intergalactic Wanderer, NGC 2419, in the Lynx constellation. It is about 300,000 light years away.
The Little Pinwheel Galaxy in Ursa Major. Officially NGC 3184.
The UFO Galaxy, NGC 2683, in the constellation Lynx.
NGC 2903, 30 million light years away in the constellation Leo.

January Grand Finale

The January astrophotography period is ending. It was marred by clouds on too many nights. I wouldn’t mind some clouds if they would bring rain, but that didn’t happen. All in all, I still got some good images. I have moved back to the county campground now. The weather forecast for this week is looking good for rain, finally. I hope it rains a lot!!!

I spent one night on M81, Bode’s Galaxy. Of course, I have done this galaxy before but not with guiding. It is one of the most photogenic galaxies in the universe, as seen from Earth.
I spent about an hour one night imaging this area of the Virgo Galaxy Cluster. There are dozens of galaxies in this image. This image only covers about .5 degree of the sky. The galaxies that look so close together are separated by millions of light years. It is really hard to comprehend the immensity of the universe.
NGC 2403, also known as the Jewel of Camelopardilis, in the constellation of Camelopardilis. Known for its many and large h-alpha star-forming regions, the galaxy is similar in size to our Milky Way Galaxy. It is about 8 million light years away. I tried to make the large nebulas as visible as I can, but they are difficult at this image size.
Had to do it. The Great Nebula in Orion. I can never get tired of this one!