Astrophotography Bats Birding Photography

It’s Getting Hot!

I would like to leave pretty soon, it has been getting up near 100F yesterday and today. It should cool down now for a few days and that’s good because the truck has developed a problem, the check engine light came on. At NAPA they did a diagnostic that said it was an O2 sensor. NAPA can’t do it till week and I called the Ford dealer in Buckeye and they can’t do it till next Tuesday. So, I’m stuck. I can drive it to town and around the area, but if it gets worse I will have to park it and have it towed in, so I’m limiting the driving. No more driving around at night, that’s for sure!

I’ve managed a little astrophotography, but most nights I’ve been out photographing bats or looking for snakes. Here’s the Sombrero Galaxy with the C8, first time with guiding.
The Silver Streak Galaxy and neighbors. These galaxies are in the Virgo Galaxy Cluster.
A very sharp shot of a Yuma Myotis getting a drink. The bat activity at Valentine Well has really dropped off but there are still quite a few of the smaller bats.
One of the few bat photos I’ve taken with the wings down.
The Great Horned Owls at the golf course are successfully raising their young. Light was pretty bad but it turned out OK.
Another angle on the nest with better light.
A Nashville Warbler at the golf course.
Vermilion Flycatcher. It is hard to pass up a good shot!