
Some Pierre Area Birds and now the Black Hills

After two weeks of waiting, I finally got the new truck registered, and I am on the road again. Currently, I’m at my favorite spot in the Black Hills, southwest of Jewel Cave. There is still some logging activity, but it isn’t close to me. I’ll stay here for a few more days then start moving south. Tonight, I’m doing astro, the conditions are perfect.

While in Pierre, I found this Sabine’s Gull on the Legion beach. It has been a few years since I’ve seen a Sabine’s so I was happy to see it and even happier that I could get close for photos! Usually one gets distant flight shots of this species.
Among the migrants I saw, I was able to photograph this Philadelphia Vireo. This is another species I haven’t seen for several years.
A Blue-headed Vireo with what appears to be some species of lacewing. This would have a very nice shot if it weren’t for that branch blocking the view of the insect.
This morning I went on a 7-mile hike, ending up at Baldwin Spring, where I sat in my “nest” for a couple of hours. Usually there is more activity but today, it was mostly Townsend’s Solitaires.
Yesterday was gloomy and rainy but I went for short walk. I found a family group of Canada Jays and got these two on the top of a pine.
This Canada Jay was closer, despite the low light the images are sharp.
An American Kestrel that posed for me at Farm Island.