Birding Photography

Still at Granite Gap

I’ve been at this campsite in Granite Gap since last Thursday. So far, not one person or vehicle has come by on this road. The highway (Highway 80) is only a few hundred yards away but traffic is light and the road into the BLM land is gated, so I suppose that deters most people. Nights are getting darker now that the full moon is past and I did a few hours of astrophotography last night. Otherwise, I’ve been hiking and reading. There has been a surprising variety of birds here. I saw one Hermit Warbler, a species usually associated with forested areas. This is mostly desert here, with a few small Gambel Oak and junipers in the rocky slopes, so not typical habitat for birds like Hermit Warbler. This morning I saw a Vaux’s Swift fly by. There is a mountain lion roaming around too, I’ve seen the tracks in several locations, from the size of the tracks I’d say a large male.

Bewick’s Wren having arachnid for breakfast.
Cliff Chipmunk, the only species of chipmunk in this area. This one was in the yard at the George Walker House.
Not a very good photo but here is the Hermit Warbler.
Young male Rufous Hummingbird, photo taken out the back window of the Scamp.
I see this Sage Thrasher all the time but it has been difficult to photograph. Here it is photographed between some juniper branches.
Elephant’s Trunk Nebula, from last night. I want to add a lot more photons to this tonight.