Astrophotography Birding

Happy New Year

Well, it is 2025 and it doesn’t feel much different. I was in bed by 9 PM last night, as it was too cloudy for astro. I have had a good string of clear nights though. The weather here can be described as boring, nothing happens. It is very nice though.

I still have the C8 mounted and have been shooting some small nebulas and a galaxy. This, of course, is M1, the Crab Nebula, which I haven’t tried for a few years. I have the C8 finely tuned and everything is working great, tracking, guiding, colimation, focus, and this is what happens. A good, sharp image!
This is NGC 1931, also known as the Fly Nebula, usually imaged with the Spider Nebula and known as the Spider and the Fly. The Fly Nebula is tiny but with the C8 it actually shows quite a lot of detail.
This is the Crystal Ball Nebula, NGC 1514. It is a planetary nebula, less than 2 arc minutes in diameter. Perfect for the C8! This time I imaged it at 2000mm focal length, which I have never tried to do before. I ended up throwing out about 30% of my subs but the image looks pretty good.
NGC 1055, a galaxy in the constellation Cetus. It does not rise very high at this latitude. It is around 50 million light years out there. The two bright stars would not be visible to the unaided eye. All of the stars shown here are in the Milky Way Galaxy. The galaxy itself contains billions, maybe a trillion, stars.
A Pyyrhuloxia at the golf course, the first one I’ve seen this winter.
This Prairie Falcon was at Highway Tank hunting quail or doves, I guess. It flew by a lot of times and I got at least a few good flight shots.