I’ve been checking on a patch of Dogbane (Apocynum cannabinum) and photographing insects on the flowers. Although the plant is poisonous to most mammals, including humans, the flowers are very attractive to insects. All parts of the plant are toxic to mammals and can cause cardiac arrest if eaten. It is a member of the Apocynaceae family and other plants in the family are also poisonous. Dogbane is a host plant for many insects, including the Snowberry Clearwing Moth. Although I found many species of flies, the lack of bees is quite concerning. Not much is known about most of these species, just a name and a distribution. It is fun and challenging photographing them; I used a 100mm f2.8 macro and a ringflash.

2 replies on “Working a Dogbane Patch”
Great photos Doug! Especially the flies, they intrigue me. I wonder if their stock as pollinators may be going up as bee populations are seemingly on the decrease.
Love those invertebrate shots! I am always pleased when spending time around dogbane. Well done.