I’ve been in Pierre since my last post. Now I’m back at the Slim Buttes. It was pretty hot in Pierre and not much cooler out here but that will be changing over the next few days. I am looking forward to cooler weather! On the birding and photography front, there hasn’t been much new. I got a couple of interesting photos while in Pierre.
Not a great photo but it is the only photo I’ve ever taken of a young Yellow-billed Cuckoo. This bird is just out of the nest and doesn’t have the yellow bill yet. Cuckoos are known for fast development. The entire time from egg-laying to fledging may be as little as 17 days. One morning while walking around my parent’s yard, I saw some movement in the flower bed by the house. Then I saw this scene, a Plains Garter Snake in the process of swallowing a Woodhouse’s Toad. I suppose I could come up with some caption that expresses the toad’s point of view, but I will resist doing that. This morning while on my daily hike, I saw a butterfly that flew a short distance and landed with its wings up. At first, I thought it had to be a comma of some species, as that is what they typically do. Then I got a better look, I could see it wasn’t a comma. I was a little puzzled until I realized it was a Variegated Fritillary. At least in my experience, they don’t usually land with their wings up. Here is the same butterfly with its wings spread. I got the Dalea flower in focus too, which may make an awkward composition, but I chose to keep it.
One reply on “Pierre then back to Slim Buttes”
The toad’s not hopping out of that one. The snake looks rather pleased.
One reply on “Pierre then back to Slim Buttes”
The toad’s not hopping out of that one. The snake looks rather pleased.