Quite a few new birds are showing up yesterday and today. Another Red-breasted Sapsucker has appeared at the golf course and this one is, so far, easy to find and get close too. This morning it was in the shadows though, so I went back to the truck and got my flash. The flash didn’t bother it all. I also saw a Townsend’s Solitaire, Lawrence’s Goldfinch, Swainson’s Thrush, and a Lazuli Bunting. Finally, the moon is starting to fade and the weather looks good after Monday, I should have at least five good days of astrophotography and I am looking forward to that.
Get ready for a barrage of Red-breasted Sapsucker photos! Finally, a pure specimen (there are lots of hybrids) and one that lets me get close. Shot with flash. Close up. From last evening, when I first saw the bird it was on the palm fruit. It was just at sundown, I had to shoot at higher ISO. It has been a long time since I’ve seen any Great Purple Hairstreaks. So far this fall, I’ve seen several. A Common Ground Dove at the golf course. Townsend’s Solitaire bathing with a Lazuli Bunting. A pair of Greater Yellowlegs at Highway Tank. A Desert Blond Tarantula that I came across a few days ago.
2 replies on “Birding is Picking Up!”
Good birding! Excellent pictures of the RB sapsucker. Are the tarantulas fairly common there? That one looks pretty big. It sure is looking right at you!
Yes, tarantulas are pretty common in the warmer weather. I suppose this one was 5 or 6 inches across including the the legs. They are big!
2 replies on “Birding is Picking Up!”
Good birding! Excellent pictures of the RB sapsucker. Are the tarantulas fairly common there? That one looks pretty big. It sure is looking right at you!
Yes, tarantulas are pretty common in the warmer weather. I suppose this one was 5 or 6 inches across including the the legs. They are big!