I finally left Datil Well and drove down to Granite Gap. I’m still in New Mexico, a few miles outside of Arizona. The weather here is a bit warmer than Datil Well but it is not too bad. The area has has some rain and it shows, lots of grass and late summer flowers. I saw my first White-crowned Sparrows of the fall this morning. I tried some black lighting last night and did OK despite the full moon.
A new one for me, BugGuide tells me it is the Thin-banded Lichen Moth. This is Plagiomimicus olvello, apparently not much is actually known about it, not even the larval food plant. This one was exciting, a tiger beetle. I knew what it was from my tiger beetle collecting days, although I have never actually seen one before. I used to think this species might turn up in South Dakota but as far as I know it has never been recorded there yet. This is Tetracha carolina – the Carolina Metallic Tiger Beetle (Formerly Megacephala carolina). Colorful and iridescent, it is a prize catch for tiger beetle collectors. There was time when I would have caught one and put a pin through it but a photograph is just as good. At least three of them were at my light last night. While on my morning hike, I found a pair of Rock Wrens foraging in a rock pile. They went behind a large boulder, so I quickly positioned myself on the other side (with the sun behind me), just a few feet from the top of rock, and started pishing. Up they came, and I got a few nice shots at very close range.