Blacklighting Insects Photography

Blacklight at the Slim Buttes

Something I’ve wanted to do since I got here is set up the black light for nocturnal insects. It has been too windy most nights. I have to use a white sheet (for a collecting surface and photography) illuminated by the black light. Wind just makes it very difficult. I had one good night and even then, it was quite cool so not as much activity as I hope for. I still did pretty good.

Perhaps the best catch of the night was this. I posted the photo on and it came back Bertholdia trigona, Grote’s Bertholdia. A new species for South Dakota (there may be other records but it is the first for BugGuide). Lots of interesting things about this moth. Read the link at BugGuide for more.  Bertholdia trigona can emit clicking sounds to jam the sonar of bats.
A Tiger Moth, always fun to see.
Pine Sawyer Beetle
Dichorda rectaria, from BugGuide. Larva feed on Skunkbush Sumac, which is abundant here.
I didn’t need BugGuide for this. Nicrophorus orbicollis, a nocturnal burying beetle I’m very familiar with from my days of working with the American Burying Beetle.
Euchlaena johnsonaria, Johnson’s Euchlaena. I did need BugGuide for this one. I’ve never seen it before. A Geometrid moth.
Genus Drasteria. That’s all I know.
I have seen this one before too. The Great Ash Sphinx. These moths are enormous. I got this one with a more normal sized moth next to it.