Bats Photography

More Bats

I’ve been going out to Valentine Well every night. Last night it was very slow so I guess I hit a peak period for awhile. Bats only tripped the trigger 5 times, on my best night the trigger was tripped 68 times. I will try again in a few days, tonight I’m going snake hunting.

I saw fresh Mountain Lion tracks at the well yesterday, they weren’t there the day before! I was hoping it would come back for a drink but I didn’t see it.

This is my setup. I use a 35mm lens on a Canon 7DMII. The laser trigger is set up to cover as much of the tank as possible, it is limited by the length of the cable to connect to the camera. I can buy a wireless transmitter that would help a lot with this issue. For this small tank, I can get by without it. The receiver/trigger is behind the lens and the laser is on the right. I blocked about a foot of the tank with a 2×4 to limit the open water a bit. The laser beam has to be low, just barely above the edge of the tank otherwise the bats tend to fly under it or trigger it after they are out of range.
I posted this on iNaturalist and the consensus is that this is a Yuma Myotis. This is one the best bat photos I’ve taken so far! For my best photos, I take the time to remove the metal rim in the background, a tedious process.
I wish I could have got the whole bat! A Townsend’s Big-eared Bat, very sharp!
Myotis sp. This isn’t as sharp but I like the wing hitting the water.

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