Birding Photography

New Birds and Some Old Birds

The numbers of birds isn’t going up much but it seems there is something new almost everyday now. A big windy storm system is moving through tomorrow and I am hopeful that will really pick things up. It looks like a big warm up for next week so maybe the herps will finally start to move too. I just hope it doesn’t get so hot I have to leave!

My first Western Kingbird of the spring.
A Townsend’s Solitaire at Bud Walker Park.
Male Northern Harrier at the golf course. This was a terrible photo, taken in very poor light, but a little Photoshop work and it looks presentable.
A pair of ravens are building a new nest at the golf course.
A Bendire’s Thrasher at Bud Walker Park. A pretty rare bird in this part of Arizona.
Well, I said in my last post that there was nothing I could do about the background in this photo, but I messed around with it in Photoshop and I guess there is something I can do about it. Anyway, that ugly metal rim is gone!