Astrophotography Photography

Nighthawk and M27

I’m still here at my summer campsite in the Black Hills. Weather has been near perfect and it was even good enough for an evening of astrophotography. There is a small stock pond near the camper that is usually dry but this summer there is a few inches of water from a heavy rain a couple of weeks ago. I have been watching birds coming to water there. One morning a Common Nighthawk came swooping in, again and again, finally it flew low over the water and drank! I have never seen nighthawks do this before, but it makes perfect sense. Birds that are not used to walking on the ground often do this, as do bats. Swallows and swifts are known for this behavior. I wanted to photograph this behavior and the next morning I was able to get some so-so images. Here’s the best one.

Common Nighthawk taking water.
M27. Image created from 93 one minute exposures stacked in Deep Sky Stacker. Celestron C8 with .63 reducer, Canon 7DMII, guided with Lacerta MGEN III, Losmandy G11 mount.

4 replies on “Nighthawk and M27”

What gives the nebula the red and aqua coloration?
I like the nighthawk drops its feet down when it goes down for a drink. I suppose that helps with balance?

Red is due to the hydrogen gases and the aqua is from oxygen, both gases are being energized by the dying star that is throwing off the elements it was composed of.

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